Our Code of Ethics is born from the desire to affirm the values that guide our way of doing business and to share them with our stakeholders.
Our growth is based on values that have their roots in the origins of our company and have been developed and implemented as part of a vision passed down from generation to generation. Formed over almost 40 years, this vision has now become systemic, global and contemporary, ready to be projected into the future that sees us integrate economic, social and environmental sustainability in our activities. In 2024 we decided to work along the lines of the internationally recognized guidelines promoted by the UN Global Compact, committing ourselves to respect its fundamental principles through adherence to the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Code of Ethics is therefore part of this commitment, the pillar on which the strategy and conduct of the Company are based. For us, it is an essential document: it embodies a series of values shared by all the people who make up our company and is the basis of our relationships with stakeholders. By spreading a corporate culture that promotes compliance and correct behavior, as essential elements to respect the ethical principles of business, The purpose of our Code is to guide our daily actions and provide a set of principles that inspire our conduct and any measures taken or to be taken by the company. We also strive to apply our values daily, both in private life and at work, strongly aware that only in this way can they represent a real driver of change.